Bully proof your child

How can I bully proof my child. Are you like the majority of parents out there, wondering how you can bully proof your child. It is really sad to see how much bullying has escalated since I was a kid.  This a global problem affecting children and their families all over the world. Just like me I am sure you have seen bullying in schools on the news or accidentally come across fights on social media.
One of the main problems we face as parents is we don’t discover that your child  has become a target of bullying. Until it has been going on for a long period of time. These kids can often feel helpless against their bullies.  It is possible to help bully proof your child, and in this post you will learn different ways on how to teach your children these vital skills.


 A child who is being bullied often feels singled out and alone with no one to speak to about their problems. The bully usually does this by turning peers against them. Peers may follow suit as they most likely do not want the bully to turn on them as well.
It is highly important to be a constant support to your children as they grow up. Because if  your kids don’t feel comfortable talking to you about the little things when they are younger, as they head into their  teenagers years (which is the most challenging part for them).  Why would they feel confident telling you their biggest concerns.
Our kids need to feel we are not going to be judgmental or that they may get in trouble if they express themselves . Bullying is a sensitive issue among children around the world and they might  feel that no one will actually listen or do anything when opening up.

The problem with bullies is they will target kids who are always on their own and at their most vulnerable. You will never see a bully take on a group of children together. One thing about bullies is they are not very strong or confident when there is no one there to back them up.
When bullying does happen in a classroom environment. These kids often have no help from their classmates. This is why it is essential to build your child’s social skills, so that they have support system amongst friends and their closest peers. Encourage them to join games with other kids in the playground. Find ways to introduce your child to situations in outdoor activities where they can build friendships. This includes things such as birthday parties, sports, dancing or martial arts.
This will help encourage your child to gain confidence. By helping your child this way, it will allow them to build a strong circle of friends in the different environments. They will have friends from their school, different schools, the playground and other places they go to. It also helps that they will be rarely be by themselves, which can make them a difficult target for bullies.

It can difficult for kids of bullying to feel confident enough to speak up for themselves. A bully need to feel they have power in making their  victim stays submissive and won’t retaliate.  Whether you are an adult or a child, using your words in a self defence situation is a powerful tool to defend yourself .

Communication experts recommend teaching your child to begin their statements with assertive phrases such as “I want…” as in the statement “I want you to stop”. Teach them to respond to any aggression against them with a question like, “Why would you call me that?” for instance. This throws off a bully who often expects you to say nothing as they continue their assault on you. 

Kids don’t want to feel like a tattletale at school by telling on someone who has hurt them or other students. They need to understand that bullying may start as small verbal attacks, but it can escalate into something more physical. This is why we need to make sure kids feel safe enough to advise teachers, principals or parents, as they can all help to stop bullying.

There are many places in a school yard when you may encounter a bully.  So if you are been targeted try avoiding from ending up alone in places such as the bathroom, lockers,   bus,  playground, cafeteria or wherever the bully is likely to be. A good suggestion is having a buddy system to help you feel will safer  and you can also offer to do the same for a friend.


Although It’s natural to get emotional when you come face to face with a bully. You need to remember that is the exact reaction bullies thrive on. It makes them feel more powerful. Practice not reacting by showing no emotion. If you are not willing to play the bullies game by stroking his ego by getting upset it will help to stay off the bully’s radar.

Use the “cool down” strategy like counting to 10, taking deep breaths, or walking away. Sometimes the best thing to do is to teach kids to keep their face calm until they are clear of any danger (smiling or laughing may provoke the bully).


Just like any self defence situation whether it’s at school or on the street. It is important to set a clear boundary by firmly and clearly tell the bully to stop. Even though I was fairly popular in high school, I even had to deal with the occasional bully. Usually it was over boys or things that did not even concern them.


I remember this one girl who hated the fact l was dating this particular guy and started to spread rumours. I have never tolerated bullies and she never had the courage to say anything to my face. She mouthed off in a letter in class once with her friend next to her and I simply wrote back that at least I don’t need a bodyguard.

This completely took them off guard and had no response and immediately backed off. With some practice you can learn to ignore negative comments, like acting uninterested. By ignoring the bully, you’re showing that you don’t care. Eventually, the bully will probably get bored with trying to bother you.


Building Confidence In Kids

Building Confidence In Kids

Unfortunately, bullies tend to start by been verbally aggressive, but this can escalate into physical violence. It always best to try to de-escalate the situation and then walk away, then get into a physical altercation. But there are times when you are going to have no option to get physical. As long as you are not the one to initiate the fight, it is legally classed as self defence. (This applies in Australia, but check your own country’s self defence laws)


I  train with both of my boys in karate who are both now brown belts. My eldest had experienced a lot of bullying when he was younger.  This is the reason I decided we would take it on as a united front and show he was not alone and they could defend themselves. There are many self defence systems out there who actually have bully proof classes. Which I think is a fantastic idea.
WHAT SHOULD KIDS DO IF CYBERBULLIED  (bully proof your child)

As technology continues to increase and improved over the years. So has the number of ways our kids can experience bullying. Including social media, text messaging, video taping and even phone calls are now having a devastating state on the younger generations.  Before you think about buying your child a phone or getting access to social media we need to take time to explain the dangers.

If you ever discover they has been bullied online, offer these steps they can take immediately:
  • Log off the computer. Ignore the attacks and walk away from the cyberbully.
  • Don’t respond or retaliate. If you’re angry or hurt, you might say things you’ll regret later. Cyberbullies often want to get a reaction out of you, so don’t let them know they have succeeded.
  • Block the bully. If you get mean messages through IM or a social-networking site, delete the person off your friends list. You also can delete messages from bullies without reading them. You also block them in the settings.
  • Save and print out bullying messages. If the harassment continues, save the evidence. This could be important proof to show authorities or parents if the bullying doesn’t stop.
  • Talk to a friend. When someone makes you feel bad, sometimes it can help to talk the situation over with a friend.
  • Tell a trusted adult. A trusted adult is someone you believe will listen and who has the skills, desire, and authority to help you. Telling an adult isn’t tattling — it’s standing up for yourself. And, even if the bullying occurs online, your school probably has rules against it.

Bullies will try to bring down their victims by singling them out. For a quality that is unique to them. This could be anything from weight, glasses or being too smart or too good looking. The lists of unique qualities bully may use is a lot.
These are the exact qualities that make us unique and they should be celebrated not criticised.  Showing your kids that by having confidence in these qualities, will stop a bully of anything to attack them with.
Bullies thrive on instilling fear in their targets. If their targets are scared and not stand up for themselves. Then the bully will always hold that fear over their heads. Teaching your child to be confident is a powerful weapon.  Help them understand that if they struggle at something that it’s okay and it is not a weakness.  As long as they do their best, that is all that matters at that moment. This way they will learn resilience to never give up.


Try to watch for a change in your child’s mood. Maybe they have suddenly gotten very quiet and reserved.  Make sure as parents we keep our lines of communication open. Kids who are getting bullied will often feel alone, feel like they have no one to talk to and start to withdraw. This could make them hide what is happening,  until it all becomes too much.

Often, they might not want to go to school and sometimes they could get angry if you try to push too hard, in order to find out what is wrong. It is important to be patient and let them know you will be there and listen to them when they want to talk.


In order to bully proof your child. Teach them what bullying is and the different types of bullying they may encounter. Help them understand that they should never pick on someone or exclude someone from games in the playground. Ask them how that would make them feel if the roles were reversed.

Talk with your child about what they should do when they feel like they are getting bullying. Or even how to help another student if they see someone else getting picked on. By empowering them to be able to notice bullying when it is happening not only to them, but also to someone else. In turn they start to feel confident in speaking to someone about it.


It is so devastating watching the impact’s bullying is having on our younger generations. When I think about when I was at school.  We had no mobile phones, no internet and there was nothing a bully could hide behind. It had to be face to face or nothing and we seemed to stand up for each other more than ever. We thought it was bad then, now it seems like such an easier time.

Where now we live in such a technology based world. Bullies are now hiding behind this very technology.   Thinking they don’t have to be accountable for their actions. Now our kids have to be subjected to social media, text messaging, fights filmed and then posted on social networking websites.


There are so many beautiful, vulnerable and intelligent kids who feel like they can’t go on. Because they don’t feel they can escape, they feel not listened to or not seen. I feel lucky that my kids high school is extremely focused on kids metal health and are also very strict when it comes to bullying. Even though it will never be fully stopped it does give some parents hope. But unfortunately not all schools in the world have this. 

Mental health needs to become an important part of our kid’s education and counselling should be available for kids. Sometimes it may be easier for kids to have a conversation with a stranger than with someone they know. This is the best way to bully proof your child. Community’s need to come together to support metal health in their areas,as we have to also remembering that bullying not only affects our kids. But adults can even experience this in their workplace.

No parent out there wants to ever think their kids are going through bullying and sometimes it’s very hard to understand what are kids are going through on a daily basis. Especially as kids head into their teens and become more independent and moody.


While communicating with our kids is the easiest way. We may not understand the signs to look out for, if we feel our kids may feel suicidal. Here are some warning signs to watch out for if you are worried, including the following:

  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Problems eating or sleeping
  • Mood swings
  • Reckless behavior
  • Dropping grades
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Giving away belongings
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or trapped
  • Talking about being a burden to others or not belonging
  • Talking about suicide or wanting to die
  • Writing or drawing about suicide or acting it out in play
There is no parent in the world that wants to see their child go through bullying. The education department need to do more work on stopping bullying in the schools. Too many schools sweep it under the carpet.  Get your kids into a martial art program or better yet train with them. As you can see, there are many ways to protect your child from bullying. The truth of the matter is that we may not know when our child might be exposed to any kind of bullying. It isn’t always so simple. This guide I hope can help you and your child to handle these situations as we work to making the world safer for our children.

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