Parenting and the Quiet Ache of Letting Go

Describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to. Parenting comes with an extraordinary cocktail of pride, joy, exhaustion, and that bittersweet feeling that sneaks in when nobody’s looking. Watching your kids grow into their own little humans is equal parts celebration and heartbreak. One moment, you’re cheering their first steps—next, you’re…

The Juggle Is Real

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months? Life has a way of throwing curveballs, doesn’t it? One minute you’re cruising, coffee in hand, and the next, you’re wondering how you’ll juggle it all. From personal ambitions to bigger global changes, the next six months promise no shortage of challenges….

Breakdown of Jion Kata

Jion Kata stands out as a cornerstone in traditional Shotokan karate. Known for its straightforward yet powerful movements, it provides martial artists with a solid foundation in balance, precision, and control. This kata features a blend of blocks, strikes, and stances that emphasise both offensive and defensive skills, making it a vital part of karate…