Breaking Down Karate Terminologies

Regardless if you’re a beginner or advanced martial artist learning the importance of breaking down karate terminologies is so crucial. As every martial artist has discovered, that memorising all your techniques and katas can be a challenging process within itself. But then you have to add the ability to incorporate learning and remembering these skills…

Karate Beyond the Dojo

Karate beyond the dojo is a guide to learn the most important principles in karate practices. Every martial artist at some point has come across motivational quotes emphasising the principles of practicing martial arts. It’s important to remember there is a lot more than kicking and punching. It’s also about incorporating a whole of life…

Balancing Technique and Power

In martial arts, learning that balancing technique and power is a fundamental element of how train. It enhances your technique, fluidity, and defensive capabilities, while also strengthening your core muscles. Furthermore, having a strong mental focus plays a significant role in reducing unnecessary risks. Prioritising balance in your training, ensures you’ll become a more skilled,…