Powerful Fusion Yoga & Martial Arts

What exactly is a powerful fusion yoga & martial arts? If you’re a martial artist seeking to diversify your training regimen, yoga is an amazing addition that can bring remarkable benefits. It’s unique blend of flexibility, strength, balance, mindfulness and breath control. These are all crucial elements to reach your full potential in martial arts….

Making of a Blackbelt

Understanding the making of an blackbelt. Everybody who has started their martial arts journey. Has said that one phrase “I can’t wait to get my black belt”?  But what really what it’s all about are the characteristics of each practitioner that becomes the making of a black belt. Not actually the belt itself. A black…

Building Your Endurance

Building Your Endurance  Building your endurance in martial arts is described as the ability to maintain prolonged physical effort such as outlasting your opponent in the dojo or in a real life self defence situation. This requires 3 main levels of fitness such as cardiovascular, muscular, and strong mental mindset. Stamina in also an important…

Power of Sparring

What is the power of sparring. If you have ever researched this topic there is always a comparison about sport sparring and combat sparring in general. While sport karate for example is great to teach you speed, agility, distance management and timing.  I think if this the only way you know how to spar, this…