Turning What If into Action

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

Ever feel like you’re standing on the edge of something incredible, but fear has you stuck in quicksand? You’re not alone. We all have that one thing—the big, scary challenge we avoid like the plague. Whether it’s public speaking, jumping out of a plane, or making a career change, the fear is real. But here’s the truth: facing that fear might just lead to the most rewarding experience of your life.

Why Are We So Scared?

Fear is that annoying friend who always shows up to the party uninvited. It’s wired into our DNA to keep us safe, but sometimes it overreacts—big time. Our brains link failure or embarrassment to danger, even when the stakes aren’t life-threatening. It’s the mental equivalent of running from a puppy because it might bite.

But would you let fear hold you back if the reward was life-changing? Here’s the kicker: most fears shrink when we face them head-on.

Portrait of a fearful woman in a gray tank top with hands pushed forward against a gray background.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Common Fears (and Why They’re Not That Scary)

1. Public Speaking

If you’d rather wrestle a bear than give a presentation, welcome to the club. Public speaking tops almost every list of fears. But think about it: how many speeches have you heard where you analyzed every single word? Probably none. People are usually too busy worrying about their own lives to judge you.

What would it take to do it? Practice in low-stakes environments. Toastmasters, anyone? Once you start, you’ll realize presenting isn’t heart surgery.

2. Taking Risks

Whether it’s starting a new business or making a bold career move, taking risks can feel like jumping into the deep end without knowing how to swim. But guess what? That’s where the rewards are.

What would it take to do it? Start small. Break the risk into bite-sized chunks and tackle one at a time. Pretty soon, the deep end might feel more like a kiddie pool.

3. Failure

Ah, the big one. Fear of failure is like carrying around an invisible backpack. It’s heavy, unnecessary, and full of “what-ifs.” But failure isn’t the end; it’s a pit stop. Every successful person has failed, probably multiple times.

What would it take to do it? Shift your mindset. Treat failure as feedback. What worked? What didn’t? Rinse and repeat.

How to Actually Face Your Fear

Okay, so you want to tackle that fear. But where do you even start?

Step 1: Name It

You can’t fight what you can’t see. Write down what scares you the most. Be specific. Instead of saying “I’m scared of failure,” try “I’m scared of my novel being rejected by publishers.”

Step 2: Imagine the Worst (and Best) Case Scenarios

Ask yourself: what’s the worst that could happen? And then, what’s the best? Once you have both extremes in mind, the risk often feels less terrifying.

Step 3: Break It Into Tiny Steps

Big goals are overwhelming. But small ones? They’re manageable. If you’re scared of public speaking, start by saying a few words during a team meeting. Build from there.

Step 4: Get a Cheerleader

No, not the pom-pom kind (unless that’s your vibe). A friend or mentor can keep you accountable and remind you how awesome you are.

Step 5: Go for It… Imperfectly

You don’t need to wait to “feel ready” because spoiler alert: that feeling might never come. Just jump in. Sure, your first attempt might be messy, but messy beats never trying.

Identifying the Monster Under Your Bed

We all have that “monster under the bed”—a fear lurking just out of our line of sight, quietly dictating our choices. It could be the fear of failing in a big way, losing control, or even just trying something new. These fears thrive in the shadows, growing the longer we avoid dealing with them. Let’s flip the light switch and figure out what’s really hiding there.

Looking Fear in the Eye

The hardest part? Acknowledging fear exists. But here’s a secret: confronting it is where the magic starts. Fear loves playing hide-and-seek—it hides deep in your thoughts and manifests as procrastination, doubt, or even physical tension. So how do you spot it?

  • Pause and Observe: Take five minutes to genuinely ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” No judgment, no filtering—just listen.
  • Notice Your Patterns: Ever find yourself saying “Maybe later” or blaming external factors? That could be fear in disguise.
  • Track Your Triggers: Pay attention to the situations, people, or even words that make you uneasy. Write them down—mapping it out makes the abstract concrete.

Fear is like a bully—it loses its power the moment you name it. Recognizing it doesn’t mean you have to battle it head-on immediately, but it gives you the upper hand to start managing it.

Grayscale image of a man covering his face, evoking themes of fear and introspection.

Photo by Nothing Ahead

So, What’s Holding You Back?

Here’s some tough love: the only person standing in your way is you. Sure, fear is scary. But it’s also kind of a liar. It exaggerates consequences, creates unnecessary drama, and convinces you that you can’t handle it.

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? Maybe it’s switching careers, traveling alone, or simply speaking your mind. Whatever it is, ask yourself a simple question: what would it take to get me to do it?

Your answer might just change everything.

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