Unlock Your Me Time
What I could do learn how to unlock your me time and reminding myself that it’s okay if I put myself first occasionally. Let’s face it everybody at some point has done this from time to time. As a parent you always put yourself last, because everyone else relies upon you or maybe you’re in a high paced business where you feel you can’t slow down or you will lose money.
I try to remind myself daily that taking sometime for my own needs is not selfish. In fact it’s healthy not just for our bodies, but also our mental health. Just like a computer we all need to reboot to perform life to the best of our abilities.
Here is 6 simple ways I try to implement making time for myself when life gets a little hectic.
1. Give Yourself Permission
Start by telling yourself that it’s okay and that you deserve time for yourself. As I stated before this isn’t always easy to do, especially when there are other people that rely on you. Think about it if you take care of yourself, you are then in a better position to help others. You’ve earned every minute it. So enjoy it.
2. Declutter And Delegate
Delegating tasks can be a tough habit to break, especially when there is not much time. So whether your doing household chores, parenting, going to university or running a business. Remember that there are people around you, to lend a hand and offer you support. Delegate the things you can afford to let go of and learn to declutter your schedule.
Sometimes I will sit down with my schedule and look at what’s taking up my time. I still struggle with this at times, but I try to swap that unnecessary time for ‘me-time. If you do too you’ll soon feel the benefits to unlock your me time.
3. Find Your Joy
Overthinking and not taking time for yourself is probably more common than I thought. Especially as we live in such a fast paced world, where you constantly have to adapt to the growing pressures. So I try to close my eyes and remind myself of the the activities that make me happy e.g. blogging, reading and martial arts. Maybe for you it’s a morning run, going to the beach, or time alone playing your guitar. I know the key here is to find what makes you happy.
4. Schedule Yourself In
I have found over the years how I find it easy to make time to complete everything else. But when it comes to squeezing in a minute for myself, not so much. That’s why carving out some me time in your schedule is so important.
I feel we all need to take a hour out of day, to enjoy the simple things in life. Like going hiking, walking the dog, playing a computer game or cooking your favourite meal – do whatever brings you joy. Just remember this is your time, so spend it how you want to.
5. Setting Boundaries
It’s OK to say “no” sometimes.
In fact, it’s pretty important if you’re going to get any time to yourself.
This can be tricky with work and personal relationships, though – we get it. But start slowly, and it’ll soon become second nature.
So what does this look like in practice? Well, it looks a little different for everyone.
How about getting that workout in before tackling the kid’s homework? Or declining the first invitation to that conference call as it cuts through lunchtime. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but people will understand. At the end of the day, your time is both finite and precious – so treasure it.
Not an emergency? It can wait. A non-negotiable for you? It stays.
6. Tune Out Completely
Sometimes it can be as simply as setting your status to ‘away’ when you’re popping out for lunch or muting your notifications on WhatsApp for an hour in the evening, the world can wait.
So unplug for a while and enjoy the silence of going off-grid.
What to do you be present when you unlock your me time?
Again, this can be different for everyone, but breathing and focus are key ingredients. Consciously taking deep breaths in and out allows your body to turn off any stress induced Fight or Flight mode that may be subconsciously switched on, and reset you to Rest and Digest mode. As you take deep breaths focus on different parts of your body; reconnecting your mind and body. Become aware of every single part of what makes you – YOU.
If you have any mind or body concerns, niggles or aches – focus on them. Don’t avoid any thoughts or concerns, delve into them. Talk to yourself internally. Ask yourself what might be going on to cause the issues and problem solve. If there’s a problem you can’t solve, that’s okay, but remind yourself that you’re safe. You won’t always know the answers, but accepting that will still do wonders for you. Getting in tune with your mind and body isn’t hard, but it does take concerted effort.
Final Thoughts To Unlock Your Me Time
Lastly, if self-care is new to you, it will also be new to the people around you. You may no longer be accessible during that time. In that case, you should have a plan to communicate to others. Or you can fit it in at a time when no one else will really notice. Seeking support from those around you and letting them know this is important to you can be a big help.
Even though it challenging for me to stop overthinking and taking that time for myself. I realised that just like martial arts this solo adventure. Make time for yourself daily, and you’ll soon feel the benefits. There’s nobody to please but you.
Mastering Verbal De-Escalation